Legal News
August 1, 2016
Electronic filing is gradually becoming mandatory county-by-county across the state for attorneys. To check on a specific county, go to and scroll down to "Upcoming mandatory eFiling implementations". To register for an eCourts account, go to
Filing in paper will remain available for individuals who are not represented by an attorney. For more information, contact our office at 414-258-5787.
October 23, 2015
The Sauk County Circuit Court recently issued a ruling that the stay under 128.21(2) "...precludes the listed creditors from pursuing supplemental proceedings during the pendency of a voluntary amortization proceedings." A copy of the decision would be available upon request.
October 30, 2015
If you paid a judgment through the plan, ask the creditor to provide a Satisfaction of Judgment. Use Official Form GF-129, available at Once signed by the creditor, docket the completed form with the clerk of the circuit court where the judgment was entered. The docketing fee is $5.00 per judgment.
May 19, 2015
The Milwaukee City Treasurer will consider allowing delinquent property taxes to be paid through debt amortization plans on a case-by-case basis. You may contact Kerry Urban, special Assistant to the City Treasurer, 414-286-8782 to review your case before filing. Be prepared to discuss details beyond the years the taxes are due, e.g. whether the property is owner occupied, its condition, whether it's mortgaged and the circumstances for the delinquency. The tax claim would bear statutory interest that can be paid through the plan. Also, if the debtor has other debts to amortize, consider proposing a plan that pays the tax claims first, so they are paid sooner.
August 22, 2013
The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development-Division of Unemployment Insurance abides by the stay under Wis.128.21(2) in cases that include claims to recover an overpayment of unemployment compensation benefits.
February 20, 2013
Two circuit courts have ruled that the stay under 128.21(2)applies to eviction actions; one has ruled that it does not. Contact my office for more details.
September 21, 2011
In the wake of Judge Pocan's 8/25/11 ruling (see below), We Energies announced a new policy today that filings under 128.21 will no longer stop service disconnections or qualify for reconnection of utility services. The policy will be applied prospectively, i.e., cases filed as of 9/20/11 will not be affected by the new policy.
August 25, 2011
Milwaukee County Judge William Pocan ruled today that the stay under 128.21 (2)does not apply to utility service disconnections. The 128.21 stay applies only to attachments, garnishments and executions of judgments. Service disonnections do not constitute any of the above.
July 13, 2011
The Milwaukee County Circuit Court Civil Division has revised its form Petition and proposed Order Enjoining Creditors and Appointing Trustee, effective today. We would be happy to forward the forms to you upon request. Just use the Contact Us form on this website.
March 11, 2011
The Milwaukee County Circuit Court has adopted Local Rule 3.30 concerning debt amortization proceedings under Sec. 128.21, effective April 1, 2011. The Rule prescribes the forms and procedure for commencing a case in Milwaukee County which have informally been in place for a year. New are the requirement that the petition state the debtor's place of employment, and a provision that the court will not act on a deficient filing, and will dismiss such a case without notice after 30 days, if the deficiency is not corrected. Contact our office for a copy of the forms and outline of the procedures. Best practice: calendar your cases for 25 days after filing to be sure the court has issued the first Order.
November 1, 2010
Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Dennis Maroney ruled that, under 128.21(8) the Milwaukee City Treasurer may foreclosure on delinquent property taxes that are provided for in a 128.21 plan.
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